Expression is Key in a Headshot

Ever look at someone’s LinkedIn profile headshot and say WOW, and wonder why? There are several key elements in a great headshot – lighting, complementary background, camera positioning all play critical roles. But number one is expression – for a business headshot, it’s what gives you a feeling about the person – says whether you would like to meet or talk with them, how confident/approachable they are. It also gives you a feeling as to how genuine the look is – does the smile look posed/forced or does it look genuine.

Helping people to feel comfortable in front of the camera, providing helpful direction to them, and capturing those moments where the expression looks genuine is all part of the process. And the slightest differences in head position, smile, eyes can make a world of difference.

Take a look at the examples here – the images on the right have more energy, more focus – they tell you more about the person vs. the images on the left. The actual physical differences are slight – the visual differences and their impact are huge!