What does your LinkedIn Profile picture say about you?

As a headshot photographer with extensive experience in marketing, I’m constantly amazed what some people use for their LinkedIn profile image – and how they must think it either doesn’t matter or it’s cool.

Nothing could be farther from the truth…

Whether we like it or not, our brains immediately form an impression when you see an image of someone – in as little as 80 milliseconds! And, your eye immediately goes to images on a page vs. text – try it yourself – go to someone’s profile and track what is the first thing you see!). As we then read the person’s profile, that first impression serves as a sort of filter for the content of the profile.
So if that image on your profile is actually a cut out from your cousin’s wedding, or was taken outside in a parking lot with you squinting in the harsh sun, or was taken by a colleague on their iPhone using office lighting that makes you have racoon eyes – that’s not exactly creating the impression of professionalism or competence….

Take a look at Lisa’s before and after – the updated version presents her as more of a professional showing her competence, experience.

If you’re serious about yourself as a business professional, and your career, then show it – there are no shortcuts.

Executive Headshots Boston