A Selfie for your LinkedIn profile or business website – really?

OK, I’ll admit I’m biased – I’m a headshot photographer and when I look at an image of a person my brain immediately starts looking at (and critiquing) the lighting, expression, overall look, etc.. 

And when I put my marketing hat on, and I see an image I immediately think about the impression the image creates about that person. What does it convey about their professionalism, competence, confidence, friendliness, personality? In short, how does it make me feel?

 Most people don’t think of their reaction in those terms, but they do react at some level in their psyche. We know that people are immediately drawn/look at images on a page before they look at text, and so when the look at a LinkedIn profile or the “About” section of a website, the first thing they see is the image(s) of a person or people. That creates an immediate first impression, which then serves as a sort of filter as the visitor reads about the person or business. Studies have shown that people decide whether you’re trustworthy/competent within 80ms of viewing an image of a person. So if the person’s image is a snapshot taken outside at golf course or under an overhead light in an office by a friend, or a selfie, and the person is a business consultant, financial advisor, etc, what is the first impression? At best it’s mixed – if the person in the image is comfortable or has experience in front of a camera, then the expression may be OK (this is rare as many people do weird things with their smiles/faces when having their picture taken).

 A professionally done photograph that reflects the best of you and your brand is immediately noticeable and conveys the right message. It says your serious about your job/career, your business, and that details are important to you – in short, you’re a professional. Your business website and LinkedIn profile is not like a personal Facebook or Instagram page. People are searching for other people or businesses because of something related to business – whether it’s searching for candidates or a job, researching a company/business, or looking for general information, it’s more often than not in a business context.

 For example, Imagine you’re launching financial planning services for families/individuals – like Smarter Bear Financials. The services they provide has significant impact on a very important aspect of people’s lives, and with so many choices available, it’s important they stand out in many ways, including their professionalism. If you were looking for these services, and saw their profile images on their website, what would your initial impression be? Would you want to learn more about who they are and what they provide? Probably so – their look/expression shows confidence, experience, along with a personality. They look professional and successful.

 Now imagine you researched another firm and the images were obviously selfies, or taken outside in the sun or in an office under the florescent lights – in short, obviously a snapshot.  Which creates the better first impression? And what would you think about their success/firm, at least initially?

 So why would you want anything other than the best image of yourself? Or am I just biased?...